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Saturday, February 28, 2015

Safety First Advertisement

Text reads: "The open road to death lies through the short cuts of carelessness. "Taking a chance"
may mean losing your life. Frenzied hurry produces hurried funerals. The
seconds you try to save cut off the years of your life. Safety First. Stop, Look, Listen.
Be Careful. Think, Don't worry yourself to hurry lest you hurry your family into
worry. Your duty to society is to live your full "three score add ten." Nine
accidents out of ten can be averted. Cheat death rather than let death cheat you.
Whenever you throw care to the winds you lose. These words of caution are
published in your interest by the un designed.

Description of Illustration: black and white safety first advertisements depicting a personified skeleton watching over motor vehicles and industrial workers as though one of them will die any moment, cloaked death

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The Prison Cell

Description of Illustration: black and white illustration of a desperate man behind bars

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Eskey Baby Food Ads

Text reads: "At three months these twins were put on Eskay's Food, when one was in a critical
condition from lack of food that nourished. At fourteen months they are strong, healthy
and perfectly developed and each has fourteen teeth, which came without the least trouble."
Text reads: "After nursing my baby five days and finding it did not thrive,
our doctor prescribed Eskay's Food, which we have used ever since.
 He was one year old in the fifth of December, and has never had
anything but Eskay's Food since he was five days old. He has never
been sick as day. I cannot recommend it too highly."
Description of Illustration: black and white baby food advertisements by Eskey Foods, Victorian babies

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Beautiful Eskay Babies

Famous Sunkist Oranges

Description of Illustration: black and white Sunkist Orange advertisement, orchard, California oranges for Christmas, citrus fruits, orange blossoms
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Friday, February 27, 2015

The Spinning Wheel

Description of Illustration: a sepia colored illustration of a young girl spinning wool in her parlor, braided hair, fireplace

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Knitting Hands

Casting on with one needle
Description of Illustration: a black and white illustration of a pair of hands casting on with one needle, knitting, lace cuffs, yarn, wool

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Observing the Barn

Description of Illustration: a black and white illustration of a farmer, cattle and his barn

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Rolling Canon

Description of Illustration: a black and white illustration of a armor canon on wheels, three soldiers

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Description of Illustration: a black and white illustration of a skeleton soldier riding in triumph over a sea of human skulls, text reads, "Devastation", 1914 illustration, horse, torn flag, smoke, death

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Thursday, February 26, 2015

The Liberty Bell

Description of Illustration: color illustration of The Liberty Bell

Learn More About The Liberty Bell:
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Mending Clothes by Hand

Description of Illustration: a black and white illustration of a young girl mending, sewing, hand sewing, alteration

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Machine Embroidery Illustration

Description of Illustration: greyscale of a sewing machine, machine embroidery

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        This video is by Lizzie Lenard. She makes many videos about the repair and maintenance of antique sewing machines.

Sewing Awl

Description of Illustration: black and white illustration of a sewing awl
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The Agent of Death

Description of Illustration:black and white illustration of agent of death, cloaked skeleton, farm 

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Death Cometh

Description of Illustration:black and white illustration of death personified, skeleton, staff, ruin
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A Bathroom From 1921

Description of Illustration: an illustration of a bathroom in 1921: toilet, rug, sink and tub

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Smoking Sailor

Description of Illustration: fully restored Victorian scrap, die cut of a smoking man, foreign sailor, red head scarf, sideburns 

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Hoisting The American Flag

Description of Illustration: black and white illustration of a gentleman helping a boy scout or cub scout hoist an American flag up a pole, uniform
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Bragging Rights

Description of Illustration: black and white illustration of old man swapping stories of adventure with his grandson, boy carries his school books with a belt, old man tucks his thumbs in his coat as he brags

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The battlefield

Description of Illustration: illustration of a battle, war, American soldiers fighting in the fields of war, guns
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Riding Horseback

Description of Illustration: black and white drawing of couple riding horseback
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The Softball Game

Description of Illustration: black and white illustration of young boys playing softball

Have a question about the illustration? Just type it in the comment box and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. I only publish content that is closely related to the subject folks.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Jewelry Frame

Description of Illustration: black and white drawing of a frame of jewels, pearls, gems, bracelets, necklaces, hair combs etc...

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Large Cabbage Head

Description of Illustration: large black and white illustration of a cabbage

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Chinese Male Profile

Description of Illustration: black and white stippled drawing of a Chinese male profile

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Bringing The Master's Slippers

Description of Illustration:  miniature doberman presenting a pair of shoes, humorous, black and white illustration

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Tuesday, February 24, 2015

One Solitary Strawberry

Description of Illustration: black and white illustration of a single strawberry

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Young Mahout

Description of Illustration: Victorian die cut of a young man with his trained elephant, Mahout, full color restoration, scrap, animal trainer

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His Domesticated Menagerie

Description of Illustration: black and white drawing of a boy with his farm animals and pets: rabbits, dogs, puppies, duck and chick, interior of a barn

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Summer Crooked Neck Squash

Description of Illustration: black and white illustration of a summer crooked neck squash, squash plant leaves and stem

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Tailpieces: Figure Head

Description of Illustration: black and white tailpiece of a female figurehead
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Football Gear in 1906

Description of Illustration: color illustration of a football player, 1906

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Divider: Leaf Pattern

Description of Illustration: black and white leaf divider, used to mark the ending of chapters etc... in old books

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Borders: Shoe Sale

Description of Illustration: black and white border for shoe sale, humorous, coins

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Bringing Home The Cattle

Description of Illustration: black and white illustration of a young boy driving cattle

Have a question about the illustration? Just type it in the comment box and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. I only publish content that is closely related to the subject folks.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Atlantic City, New Jersey

Description of Illustration: black and white illustration for the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Atlantic City, New Jersey in 1921

Have a question about the illustration? Just type it in the comment box and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. I only publish content that is closely related to the subject folks.

Video of The Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Atlantic City, New Jersey

The Traymore Is No More

Black and white advertisement for the Traymore Hotel.
The Advertisement Reads: 
      "The Premier Resort Hotel of The World, The Hotel Traymore, is the center of social life in America. In it congregate from time to time the distinguished representatives of the world of Fashion, Art, Literature, Science, Commerce and Statesmanship.
      It is the finest product of American creative genius employed in the profitable expenditure of more than five millions capital.
      Guests have a choice of the American or European plan. They are provided with every convenience, comfort and luxury, in an atmosphere of charm and distinction. 
      Dine and dance in the famous Submarine Grill, the most unique hotel feature in the world.
      Visit the gorgeously beautiful Peacock Room, with its matchless mural decorations.
      Listen to the Grand Opera Recitals in the Grand Promenade. The Traymore is absolutely fireproof. It is the safest hotel in the world."

The Traymore, in Atlantic City, is No More. Gone in 1972. 
Fireproof but not bombproof I guess.

A black and white illustration of the Traymore Hotel from 1921.

Russell Hotel 1908, London

This ad appears in a New York paper in 1908, for the Hotel Russell. Built during the Victorian Era,
 the Hotel still open in the 21rst Century.
Description of Illustration: black and white illustration of The Hotel Russell

The Advertisement Reads: 
      "Hotel Russell London offers Americans visiting England who desire quiet, healthful surroundings after the hustle and bustle of business or pleasure, will find in the "Russell" an ideal residence. Conducted on the American Plan. Interior bright, attractive, and palatial. Sumptuous apartments. Winter garden. Perfect cuisine. First class orchestra. Moderate tariff. The "Russell" is within a few minutes drive from Euston for visitors arriving at Liverpool: easy distance from Paddington. Waterloo, Charing Cross and etc..."
Have a question about the illustration? Just type it in the comment box and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. I only publish content that is closely related to the subject folks.

Hotel Astor Coffee

Description of Illustration: black and white advertisement for Hotel Astor Coffee, Hotel Astor, coffee box, bay, Andes mountains

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Mt. Washington Hotel

Mt. Washington Hotel in 1903.
      The Mt. Washington Hotel was constructed at a cost of $1.7 million ($44.6 million in 2012 dollars) by Joseph Stickney, a native of Waltham, Massachusetts, who had made a fortune before the age of 30 as a coal broker in Pennsylvania. In 1881 Stickney and his partner, John N. Conyngham, had purchased the Mount Pleasant Hotel nearby from lumberman John T.G. Leavitt, a large early hotel that was later demolished. Subsequently, Stickney began work on his Mount Washington Hotel. He brought in 250 Italian artisans to build it, particularly the granite and stucco masonry. Construction started in 1900 on the Y-shaped hotel, which opened on July 28, 1902. At the opening ceremony, Stickney told the audience, "Look at me, gentlemen ... for I am the poor fool who built all this!" Within a year he was dead at the age of 64.
      His wife, Carolyn Stickney, summered at the hotel for the next decade, adding the Sun Dining Room with guest rooms above, the fourth floor between the towers, and the chapel honoring her late husband. Under its capable first manager, John Anderson, the hotel was a success. But the advent of income tax, Prohibition, and the Great Depression curtailed the hospitality business. In 1936, Mrs. Stickney's nephew, Foster Reynolds, inherited the hotel, which closed in 1942 because of World War II. A Boston syndicate bought the extensive property for about $450,000 In 1944. The Bretton Woods monetary conference took place that year, establishing the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. The owners were paid $300,000 for the loss of business and promised a daily room charge of $18 per person for the 19-day conference.
      The Mount Washington Hotel and Resort is one of the last surviving grand hotels in the White Mountains and includes an 18-hole Donald Ross-designed golf course, as well as the hotel's original 9-hole course designed by A.H. Findlay.
      It was declared a National Historic Landmark in 1986.
      The hotel opened for its first winter season in 1999. Before that year the hotel would close to guests late in the fall and open in the spring. The entire hotel was overhauled before the winter, with efficient windows installed in the entire hotel.
      In January 2009 the Mount Washington Resort completed a 50,000 square feet (4,600 m2) addition that includes a 25,000-square-foot (2,300 m2) spa and a 25,000-square-foot (2,300 m2) conference center.
      In November 2010 it was revealed that CNL is seeking to trademark the Mount Washington name. CNL said they were just directing their efforts against other hotels in the area that have the mountain's name and not other businesses that also have it.
      Steve Hilliard replaced Larry Magor as Managing Director in 2012.

The Palace Hotel in Lucerne Switzerland

      The most ideal family hotel in Europe, has every up-to-date improvement. Suites with private entrances. Each bedroom has private bath and toilet. Quietness secured by double corridors. French Restaurant. American Bar. 250 rooms, 35 saloons and 120 bathrooms advertisement for 1906

This lovely Victorian hotel is still open to visitors from all over the world.

Hotel del Coronado, San Diego, California

      Spend the summer at beautiful Coronado. Leave on the 6 p.m. train and enjoy the refreshing cool sea breezes from the open terrace of Hotel del Coronado, Coronado Beach Cal.
      In the mid-1880s, the San Diego region was in the midst of one of its first real estate booms. At that time, it was common for a developer to build a grand hotel as a draw for what would otherwise be a barren landscape. The Hollywood Hotel in Hollywood, California, the Raymond Hotel in Pasadena, the Hotel Del Monte in Monterey, and the Hotel Redondo in Redondo Beach, California, were similar grand hotels built as development enticements during this era. Read more about the Hotel del Coronado here...

You can still vacation at this old Victorian hotel today!

The Savoy Hotel London

The Foyer of the Savoy Restaurant on Sunday Evening in 1912.
      The recent improvements have brought the total number of bathrooms in the hotel up to 244. Radiators, to the number of 480, controlled by 1,100 valves, and connected by over six miles of piping, have been installed in all the rooms. 100 telephones have been added, and there is now an instrument in every sitting room.
      It is not test of the popularity of a London hotel to find that during the season it is very full. At the height of the London season every hotel is full. But when you find that in the dead season, when London is supposed to be empty, a hotel is full and crowded with guests it must mean that its comforts are undeniable. And so it comes to pass that at all time the Savoy Hotel, London, is very bright and gay with well known travelers from the continent and the United States, and that it is the common meeting ground for distinguished Americans who are returning home.
      The comforts and luxury of the Savoy Hotel, its cuisine and service, combined with the most moderate charges, place it absolutely in the front rank of all hotels in Europe. The beautiful suites-with bathrooms attached-overlooking the River Thames and embankment gardens, away from the noise and bustle of street traffic, although in the center of London, are greatly appreciated by all European and American travelers. advertisment

 Extracts From The London Press

"Sunday evening at the Savoy restaurant is once again one of the sights of London. There will be six hundred persons or more, dining there tomorrow night; many of the celebrities now over here will be present." From the Evening Standard.

"Sunday night is the great night at the Savoy restaurant, and brilliant in the extreme is the sight it presents. Lovely women, flower-laden tables, the glimmer of shaded lights, and the ripple of music and laughter fascinate the eye and charm the ear. No stranger of distinction is permitted to miss a Sunday dinner at the Savoy." The Ladies Field.

"For visitors to London who are desirous of beholding famous people of whom they have heard or read there is no better vantage place than the foyer of the Savoy Restaurant. In that brilliant rendezvous may nightly be seen members of the noblest families in the land, men and women distinguished in the world of literature, science and art, with millionaires and M. P.'s in close proximity. On Sunday evening the company includes the leading lights of the drama and opera." From the Gentlewoman.

"It is evident that Sunday evening at the Savoy is to be as great an institution as ever during the coming winter. The demand for tables in the restaurant is already reaching the limits of managerial capacity." From the Westminster Gazette.

" 'London is always en fete,' said a French gentleman last week to summarize his impressions of a visit to Britain's metropolis. The Savoy Restaurant certainly conveys that idea, for probably in no other city in the world can such brilliant assemblies be seen as nightly gather there for dinner and supper. There must have been quite 800 people dining in the Savoy Restaurant on Sunday last. The winter garden was crowded; from the balcony came ejaculations in foreign tongues on the beauty of the Thames at night." From the Tatler.

"The Savoy is as cheerful a great restaurant as is to be found in the world. I never stand at the top of the crimson steps leading down through the cafe-au-lait marble pillars with gilt capitals into the great foyer without feeling inclined to rub my hands together, and the good-tempered uncles always do in plays, and say: 'Now I am going to have a jolly good dinner, and am going to enjoy it thoroughly.'" From an article by Lieut, Col. Newham-Davis in the World.

Built during the Victorian Era, The Savoy Hotel in London is still a fully operating, luxury hotel.

      The Savoy Hotel is a luxury hotel located on the Strand in the City of Westminster in central London. Built by impresario Richard D'Oyly Carte with profits from his Gilbert and Sullivan operas, it opened on 6 August 1889. It was the first in the Savoy group of hotels and restaurants owned by Carte's family for over a century. The Savoy was the first luxury hotel in Britain, introducing electric lights throughout the building, electric lifts, bathrooms in most of the lavishly furnished rooms, constant hot and cold running water, and many other innovations. Carte hired manager César Ritz and French chef Auguste Escoffier, who established an unprecedented standard of quality in hotel service, entertainment and elegant dining, attracting royalty and other wealthy guests and diners. Winston Churchill frequently took his cabinet to lunch at the hotel. Read more...

Printing Press

Description of Illustration: A humorous cartoon figure of a printing press and a printer

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The Boutonniere

Description of Illustration: really nice illustration of a couple getting ready for a formal event, top hat, cane, black and white illustration

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Elderly Gentleman With Hat

Description of Illustration: drawing of an elderly man wearing a hat, sporting a nice beard

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Sunday, February 22, 2015

Woman With Binoculars

Description of Illustration: black and white illustration of a woman watching birds with a pair of binoculars

Have a question about the illustration? Just type it in the comment box and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. I only publish content that is closely related to the subject folks.