About This Ephemera Collection

Monday, March 30, 2015

A Bundy Dining Room Hot Closet Radiator

Description of Illustration: full color illustration of a cast iron hot closet, perfect for the modern Victorian homemaker 

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Wonderful Bed Outfit From 1917!

Description of Illustration:  black and white illustration of a brass bed set. Text reads, "A Wonderful Bed Outfit -- including a massive all 2-inch continuous post and 2-inch filler "Porcelain" white steel bed, with woven wire spring and sanitary soft top mattress - on easy credit terms for .....$19.75"

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New Style Bedroom Set Made In Fumed Oak

Description of Illustration: The Norseman is the rather stirring name given to a new style of bedroom furniture which has just made its appearance. In keeping with its title, its characteristics are a sturdy simplicity and strong, massive build. The straight lines of the pieces are relieved by the addition of curved parts, which give the furniture its Norse effect. Fumed oak and ash stained green are the woods best suited to this style, the hinges and handles of copper adding a decorative touch to an otherwise plain design. A double row of tiles adorns the washstand back, serving the purpose of utility as well as beauty. The chairs accompanying the set have rush bottoms. 
      While there are many more beautiful styles in bedroom sets, there are few novelties in this line, and doubtless the new candidate for popularity will find favor among those who are in the search of something new. 1903

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4-Piece Mission "Den" Suite

Description of Illustration: Text reads, "This 4-Piece Mission "Den" Suite - including fumed oak table, armchair, rocker, and side chair, with black imitation leather seats. A room full of substantial furniture - on easy credit terms, for ..... $14.75"

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Green Pole Bean Seed from Kentucky

Description of Illustration: full color seed pack, Kentucky Wonder Pole Beans

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White Icicle Radish Seeds

Description of Illustration: full color seed pack, white icicle radish

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Yellow Summer Squash Seeds

Description of Illustration: full color seed pack, yellow summer squash

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Cos or Romaine Lettuce Seeds

Description of Illustration: full color seed pack of lettuce

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Potash and Other Fertilizers For Your Garden

Description of Illustration: black and white advertisement for potash, Text reads, "Your fruit is not at its best in yield, flavor, color or shipping qualities unless the Potash supply is adequate and available."
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"Friendship's Tie, I'm Sincere" Calling Card

Description of Illustration: color calling card depicting shaking hands, anchor, roese and forget-me-nots, wreath shaped, fully restored Victorian scrip

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Thursday, March 26, 2015

Yellow Pumpkin Seed Pack

Description of Illustration: full color seed pack, Kentucky Field Pumpkins

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The Canary Cage

Description of Illustration: black and white illustration of a canary/parrot cage

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Music In The Home

Description of Illustration: black and white illustration of mother conducting music lessons in a Victorian home, children, violin, piano, the music room

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Melon Harvest

Description of Illustration: black and white illustration of melons in a basket
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Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Relaxing in A Hammock

Description of Illustration: black and white illustration of a man relaxing in a hammock with his trusty terrier, straw hat, newspaper, and cottage

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"Play Ball!"

Description of Illustration: black and white illustration of baseball game
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The Tennis Match

Description of Illustration: black and white illustration of a tennis match
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Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Boschee's German Syrup Trade Card

Description of Illustration: color front and back side of a Boschee's German Syrup trade card,calendar included, The text printed on the back reads:

"Has the largest sale of any medicine in the world, for the cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Severe Colds settled in the chest, Pneumonia and all diseases of the Throat and Lungs. There is not probably, a druggist in the civilized world but will recommend it in preference to all others. Introduced in the U. S. A. in 1867, by distributing over 3,000,000 Sample Bottles free of charge. No medicine has ever met with such wonderful success and retained its popularity in every family where used, as Boschee's German Syrup."
      Sample Bottles 10 cents. Regular size, 75 cents. (wow, never heard of it)
For Sale By: De Pue & Stall, General Store Dalton, Pa.

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General Arthur Cigars Ad

Description of Illustration: black and white advertisement for "The Perfect Smoke" by General Arthur's Cigars

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"Perk Up" it's your morning coffee!

Description of Illustration: black and white illustration of a house wife making Sanitary Coffee in a percolator

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Coffee jingle from my favorite, "Prairie Home Companion"

A Haynes Suburban, 1920

Description of Illustration: black and white illustration of a Haynes Suburban 1920
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Playing In The Nursery

Description of Illustration: fully restored color illustration of a Victorian child playing in her nursery with: cat, two pugs, armful of dolls, wallpaper wicker furnishings, fireplace
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Manual Labor in A Garden

Description of Illustration: black and white illustration of a prisoner raking in a garden, lettuce heads, striped prison uniform, manual labor, prison guard with riffle

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Tangled Up!

Description of Illustration: black and white illustration of a foot soldier caught up in barbed wire
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Seed Pack of Cauliflower

Description of Illustration: color seed packet of Snowball Cauliflower
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Monday, March 23, 2015

Man In The Moon

Description of Illustration: black and white illustration of a lady sitting on the moon, moon with a face, this graphic is from the 1920s
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A Fruity Grape Mix

Description of Illustration: fully restored Victorian scrap of fruit: grapes, peaches and walnut, die cut
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Standard Desert Transportation

Description of Illustration:Victorian die cut of a camel and his owner, fully restored scrap
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Sunday, March 22, 2015

Discreet Conversations

Description of Illustration: black and white illustration of a lady having a quite conversation

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Fruits in a Delft Blue Dish

Description of Illustration: restored Victorian scrap of fruit, fruits in a delft blue dish: grapes, apples, grapefruit an lettuce for garnish

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American Beauty Flour

Description of Illustration: advertisement for flour, large flour sack, rose, American Beauty Flour, black and while illustration

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Early Curled Selician Lattuga lLettuce

Description of Illustration:  color enhanced seed packet of lettuce

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Saturday, March 21, 2015

Holding An Armload of Garden Produce

Description of Illustration: advertisement for garden produce, seed and tools, fully restored color illustration, young girl in pink frock cradles a basket full of vegetables

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Friday, March 20, 2015

Purchase a Fine French Telescope

Description of Illustration: advertisement, black and white illustration of a telescope

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Make a Victorian Photograph Frame

See how corners are simple pulled back and
either stiffened with glue or tacked back with
a metal clasp to keep them in place. Ah, I
don't believe the author includes this little
piece of necessary instruction in her

      The illustration, left, shows an easily made photograph frame, suitable for panel picture. To make: Cut a piece of cream white leatherette, 12x15 inches. Begin in the center and cut a slit toward the four corners, and bend the pieces of leatherette outward toward the side; this will form an opening, the size of which will depend upon the length each slit is cut. It must be cut to fit the picture the frame is designed for. The turned back pieces were decorated with gold paint -- the upper and lower piece with a band of gold three -quarters of an inch deep and the sides a floral patterned paper (roses or pansies without foliage)- see illustration - and painted with gold paint. The piece of leatherette decorated as directed should be backed by a piece of stiff cardboard a bit smaller in size and the edges of the leatherette should be folded back to the cardboard and glued down; slip the photograph into the opening. Select two and one-half yards of gold, satin ribbon to adhere around the opening of the frame. Glue a bow cut from the same ribbon to a corner of the ribbon trim. Finish the edges of the frame with gold paint. Complete the project by fastening a wire standard to the back side of the frame in order to hang your picture.
The Victorians loved illustrations of
people tearing through posters and 
paper. They thought this very clever!

Country Biscuits Made With Flour From Duluth!

Description of Illustration: black and white illustration of a hand balancing a plate of home made country biscuits
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Sew a Bolster And Pillow

Linen lawn pillows for the bed.
      A bolster with white linen lawn is shown right on top. For a summer bed nothing cooler or more inviting could be imagined. The ends are trimmed with wash lace and bows of ribbon. Over the surface a design of very small daisies or carnations may be scattered and worked in short and long stitch with filo (silk) floss. the work must be light in effect and daintily executed.
      The infant's pillow illustrated beneath is a dainty affair, and consists of a square of fine shirt linen, around which is sewn a border of lace; the square is then folded once in the middle and the edges sewn together and decorated with ribbon bows of any color desired. It can be removed when necessary to launder if you include a zipper or buttons. A pretty design for ornamenting this pillow would be an arrangement of buttercups and daisies done with filo floss. The illustration shows an initial. Embroidered initials are elegant ways to personalize handmade gifts for your family and friends.

Red Raddish Seed Pack

Description of Illustration: fully restored color illustration of radish and garden on a antique seed pack
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Vanity Bags a Nice Gift You Can Make Yourself

Victorians are the inventors of vanity bags.
Originally these bags contained make-up
products and also had mirrors attached them.
These bags were called "vanity bags"
because it was believed that if a young
lady paid too much attention to her personal
appearance or hygiene she would neglect
 her character.

      Girls, here is the very thing to give your chum for Christmas, and you can easily make it yourself. Take a piece of substantial silk 10 inches wide and 5 inches in depth, and embellish it with ribbon, embroidery in simple design. Sew the narrow ends together and line with very thin silk. Make a double hem about two-thirds of the way to the top, and run through it a slender silk cord or narrow ribbon. Edge the top of the bag with narrow lace. Glue the bottom of the bag in tiny pleats to the back of the 2x3-inch mirror, being careful not to touch the mercury. After this is done and while it is drying cut a piece of thin pasteboard the size of the mirror, pad it with a little cotton, cover with the lining silk, and glue it to the back of the mirror. It serves to protect the mirror and also to cover the raw seams of the bag. The interior of the bag is now complete, and the only remaining touch is the little edge of narrow gilt lace framing the face of the mirror. Place in the bag a chamois skin and a tiny ivory or celluloid box of powder, and your dainty Christmas gift is complete.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Lady's Fashion Plate from 1895

Description of Illustration: color fashion plate restored, fashions for women 1895, giant puff sleeves, high collar, brocade curtain
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Lady's Fashion Plate from 1896

Description of Illustration: color fashion plate restored, spring fashions for women 1896, giant puff sleeves, green overstuffed chair, Japanese screen

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Lady's Spring Fashion Plate, 1897

Description of Illustration: color fashion plate restored, spring fashions for women 1897
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"The Little Favorites." Ayer's Pills Trade Card

Description of Illustration: fully restored Victorian Trade Card, Ayer's Pills, female children
Text reads:
The Little Favorites.
Charming group of smiling girls,
Bright and happy as the day,
With your winsome eyes and curls,
Always frolicksome and gay,-
Surely, surely, never ache
Did those lovely forms distress-
Never physic do you take?
But the maidens answered "Yes!"
"Just like other people, we
Have our troubles and our ills;
But we cure them - don't you see? -
With those sugar-coated pills.
That's the reason, everywhere
Through the country, they are famed, -
That the Pills of Doctor Ayer
"Little Favorites' are named."
* * * 
      The popularity of Ayer's Pills has steadily increased until now the demand for them exceeds that of all others. The skill with which their purely vegetable components are united, their mildness and efficacy, their delicate sugarcoating, and adaptability to family use have made these Pills, par excellence, the People's medicine.

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Citizen National Bank in Winchester Kentucky

Description of Illustration: black and white illustration of an old stone bank, located in Winchester Kentucky, newspaper clipping above
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Clark's Mile-End Spool Cotton Trade Card

Left, front of Trade Card restored to it's original color,
Right is the color enhanced advertisement printed
 on the backside of the card.
Description of Illustration: fully restored color, Trade Card, Victorian collectable, advertising for threads and sewing machines, little girl wearing a red felt hat topped with peacock feathers holds her pet cat, red and white stripped dress, white spool of cotton thread

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Log Cabin Syrup

Antique or Vintage cabin shaped syrup tins are collected by some folks.
Description of Illustration: black and white illustration of cabin shaped tin of Log Cabin Syrup,
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By the 1950s log cabin was sold primarily in bottles.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Old-Fashioned Spinning Wheel

Description of Illustration: black and white illustration of an old-fashioned spinning wheel

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Resting on The Veranda

Description of Illustration: black and white illustration of a veranda, wicker furniture, back porch, tiled steps

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Canine Companions

Description of Illustration: a lady sits surrounded by her pets eating treats, sepia illustration

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