About This Ephemera Collection

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

speaking of "OATS" advertisement

Description of Illustration: restored black and white ad, farmer, tractor, horse, horse feed, Hot Shot Battery, Canada, text "there's nothing like the Columbia Hot Shot Dry Battery for tractor ignition. The Columbia "runs standing still." Its spark is as not for starting as for running. It works like a beaver over the rough slowdown places where other ignition current peters out...", stonewall, cloudy day

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Junket Ice Cream Ad

Description of Illustration: restored greyscale ad, "Use of a Junket Tablet in making ice cream means that you can use more milk and less cream and yet produce a more "creamy" ice cream than ever before; and it will be more wholesome and digestible....", cherries on top, chef's hat, apron

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Wednesday, May 25, 2016

"Use it without soap-- Is is economical..."

Description of Illustration: restored color trade card, Pearline, child drumming on a wooden box of product, apron, curly top, calico dress, cheribum, text, "Let It Help You. Shortsighted and to be pitied is the woman who rejects the wonderful article--Pearline;..."

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Greeting With The Tip of A Hat

Description of Illustration: fully restored, antique color illustration, very old Christmas greeting card, children dressed like adults, Victorian neighborhood, front gate, red bonnet

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Ship Sinking Into The Deep...

Description of Illustration: Old black and white illustration of two ships at sea, waves, sails, sinking ship
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An Open Secret: Poultry PAN-A-CE-A

Description of Illustration: black and white illustration, large rooster, open beak, text "It is an open secret among poultry raisers who have been successful that found is not all that makes..."

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Friday, May 20, 2016

The blue bow tie...

Description of Illustration: fully restored color illustration of a cat with a blue ribbon tied around his neck, green eyes, head and shoulders only, pointed ears

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Use Rubifoam for the Teeth

Description of Illustration: Victorian Trade Card for Rubifoam teeth cleanser, restored color illustration of three little girls in white ruffled night dresses, text reads "This card is perfumed with Hoyts German Cologne, the most fragranted lasting of all perfumes." Yes, these are two different products. I guess these products may have the same manufacturer?

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Where IS He?

Description of Illustration: Old black and white photograph of a young maiden languishing by the roadside with her bike. It was captioned, "Where is he?"

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Puppy Attack!

Description of Illustration: fully restored color illustration of a puppy stealing food, baby cries, highchair, table, spilled milk, kitchen, 

Originally this was a Victorian Christmas card; I don't get it? 

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The Popular KRIBS Electric

Description of Illustration: black and white photograph, washtub and wringer, text "The  demands for this beautiful washing and wringing machine increase daily. It works on the most approved principes and give immediate and absolute satisfaction..."

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"My busy day"

Description of Illustration: advertisement for Pearline cleanser, text reads "the day when housecleaning sets in. If you do it in the hard-working, bustling way, every man, woman and child wants to get under cover. Do it with Pearline, and nobody's troubled, not even you yourself. Pearline housecleaning is quicker, quieter, sooner through with, easier. Saves much rubbing. Saves paint. Saves temper...." black and white illustration, little girl with bucket, rags, dust pan and brrom

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Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Happy New Year Card

Description of Illustration: fully restored color scrap, Victorian New Year's Eve Card, text "I fondly wish you a Happy New Year!" children carrying wood kindling, backyard, snow, bare trees, city homes, siblings

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Prince Albert Tobacco Ad

Description of Illustration: black and white illustrated ad, pipe tobacco, soldiers, flag, fire cracker, military uniforms

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Domolco Molasses

Description of Illustration: black and white illustration, canned goods, Victorian label, Guaranteed pure

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Curly Horned Goat

Description of Illustration: black and white illustration, etching of a goat, curly horns, long hair, thick coat

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Spratt's Dog Cakes

Description of Illustration: advertisement, black and white illustration of ad for dog biscuits, "Remember that a dog fed on Spratt's is always a credit to his master. At three shows recently over 3,000 prizes were won by dogs fed regularly and exclusively on Spratt's Dog Foods." Victorian dog owners

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Eyeball Illustration

Description of Illustration: eyeball, eye brow, eyelashes, facial feature, sight, seeing, greyscale illustration, anatomy

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Beautiful Wings

Description of Illustration: two restored antique butterflies, wings, delicate patterns, one blue and green butterfly, one with neutral coloration plus a touch of blue and red

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Large Ship at Sea

Description of Illustration: ocean voyage, sea campaign, sea faring vessel, giant waves, black and white illustration,

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Sloop Used for Short Voyages

Description of Illustration: sea, ocean, boat, sails, sailing, black and white illustration

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