Description of Illustration: etching taken from a photograph, Queen Victoria, for whom the era is named after, little girl, grandmother, great-grandchild, seated
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London, June 28., 1906 -- Woman's suffrage in England is becoming one of the great questions of the day. Not only men like Keir Hardie, the leader of the labor party in parliament, but a majority of the members of the present house of commons have already committed themselves to the principle; and it is predicted that before the present government in England goes out of office women will have the right to vote.
Within the last year demonstration after demonstration by some hundreds of enthusiastic, not to say fanatical, women has served to keep the question before the public. They have made disturbances in the very house of commons. A tradition of the house is that women may not attend. This is avoided by the seating of women visitors behind the famous grill in the gallery, where they may see but not be seen. This grill proved no bar to a coterie of "suffragettes," as they are now termed, and the violent interruption they made caused them to be ejected forcibly and gave the movement considerable of a setback.
The more aggressive the suffragists have besieged the Premier Bannerman at his home and at his offices until many of them have been arrested. Only the other day a lot of them at a public meeting which Chancellor Asquith was addressing were ejected by the police, fighting all the while. Waiting outside they tried to assault the minister. They hate Asquith particularly because he is outspoken against the propaganda.
In spite of all the turmoil attending the campaign, the demand to allow women to vote has become such a problem as to call for definite action. A great deal of logic being in its favor notwithstanding the hysteria, it is practically certain to be granted. (The Spokane Press)
The following article was written for this paper by Mr. Hardie:
Mrs. Roe, secretary of the Votes-for-Women Association,
a red hot captain of femininity militant.
LET THEM VOTE - KEIR HARDIE. Leader of the British Labor Party.
To those who are opposed on the principle to women having the votes at all, I have little to say. These I find it easier to pity than to reason with. In the English colonies women are voters, but they have not, because of that, ceased to be wives or mothers. Their outlook on life has been broadened by the possession of the vote which forces them to interest themselves in political and social questions. They are thus in a fair way to become better companions of their husbands and --I say this with deep conviction--better mothers. A woman whose circle if interests is circumscribed by her pots, pans and scrubbing brushes, varied by an occasional gossip with a neighbor or a quarrel with her husband, can never, however affectionate, be other than a curb upon the opening, eagerly questioning intelligence of her children. Broaden the outlook of the motor, and you open a new world for childhood to grow in, and bind many a wild, wayward youth to his home love who is now driven out into the hard world for lack of that sympathetic, intelligent companionship which an educated and enlightened mother can alone supply.
The "half angel half idiot" period is over in the woman's world. She is fighting her way into every sphere of human activity. Her labor is coming into competition with that of a man in nearly every department of industry. Women should insist upon political equality, whatever the conditions of that equality may be.