About This Ephemera Collection

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Digital Papers: Advertising Pages

      When teaching, I try to encourage students to use faux papers that look old instead of actually recycling vintage papers with high acid content. Acids in both inks and paper will contribute to the breakdown of paper crafts sooner than later. So for this reason, I will include digital scrap papers of Ads on this blog for my students. Visitors are more than welcome to use them to craft with as well.
      Simply print the digital images onto grey or yellowish tan colored papers in order to make your paper collage crafts look older than they actually are.
      You may also choose to age the paper even more by brushing some watery tea, coffee or inks across the surface of your printed papers too.

      These digital papers come in both burnt umber and sepia. The grey is for reproducing faux, aged looking newsprint and the sepia for printing images onto tan papers in order to mimic vintage papers with  high acid content. These particular digital ad papers are about the theater/vaudeville.

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