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Saturday, February 28, 2015

Safety First Advertisement

Text reads: "The open road to death lies through the short cuts of carelessness. "Taking a chance"
may mean losing your life. Frenzied hurry produces hurried funerals. The
seconds you try to save cut off the years of your life. Safety First. Stop, Look, Listen.
Be Careful. Think, Don't worry yourself to hurry lest you hurry your family into
worry. Your duty to society is to live your full "three score add ten." Nine
accidents out of ten can be averted. Cheat death rather than let death cheat you.
Whenever you throw care to the winds you lose. These words of caution are
published in your interest by the un designed.

Description of Illustration: black and white safety first advertisements depicting a personified skeleton watching over motor vehicles and industrial workers as though one of them will die any moment, cloaked death

Have a question about the illustration? Just type it in the comment box and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. I only publish content that is closely related to the subject folks.

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