About This Ephemera Collection

Monday, February 23, 2015

The Traymore Is No More

Black and white advertisement for the Traymore Hotel.
The Advertisement Reads: 
      "The Premier Resort Hotel of The World, The Hotel Traymore, is the center of social life in America. In it congregate from time to time the distinguished representatives of the world of Fashion, Art, Literature, Science, Commerce and Statesmanship.
      It is the finest product of American creative genius employed in the profitable expenditure of more than five millions capital.
      Guests have a choice of the American or European plan. They are provided with every convenience, comfort and luxury, in an atmosphere of charm and distinction. 
      Dine and dance in the famous Submarine Grill, the most unique hotel feature in the world.
      Visit the gorgeously beautiful Peacock Room, with its matchless mural decorations.
      Listen to the Grand Opera Recitals in the Grand Promenade. The Traymore is absolutely fireproof. It is the safest hotel in the world."

The Traymore, in Atlantic City, is No More. Gone in 1972. 
Fireproof but not bombproof I guess.

A black and white illustration of the Traymore Hotel from 1921.

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