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Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Russell Gordon Carter

Russell Gordon Carter.
Description of Photograph: black and white photograph of Russel Gordon Carter, he's wearing a suit, tie and hat in this photo, it is a profile

      "Aside from a wonderfully kind mother and father, one thing in particular influenced my early boyhood, the Delaware River. Born at Trenton, N. J., on the first day of the year 1892, I soon learned of the charm of the river, at first by hearsay and then by actual contact.
      "Later I discovered that there were other rivers in the world, but not even the great Mississippi had quite the romance of my own Delaware. Even now I thrill when I picture those parts of it which I knew as a boy, the gray rocks at Trenton Falls, the two-mile stretch of rapids known as Tumble, and a thousand other familiar things and places.
      "When I was fourteen I entered the Manual Training High School at Brooklyn, N. Y., and from High School went to Harvard, where, during the time not needed for studies and for earning money, I ran on the Freshman and 'Varsity track teams. In 1916, after I was graduated from Harvard, I took an active part in the presidential campaign of that year, and the following spring joined the city staff of the Hartford Gourant as a reporter.
      "When the war broke out I entered the service as a private of infantry and, before sailing for France, married a girl who had been my companion at high school. In France I served on four fronts, was cited once in orders and crossed the Rhine with the Army of Occupation. After thirteen months' overseas service I returned as a first lieutenant with the Thirty-second Division and joined the editorial staff of the Youth's Companion."
      Mr. Carter's books were:
  • The Bob Hanson Series (Four Titles)
  • The Patriot Lad Series (Seven Titles)
  • The Red Gilbert Series (Two Titles)
  • Co-author with Harford Powel, Jr., of: The Glory of Peggy Harrison 
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