About This Ephemera Collection

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Sneeze Quick Bouquet

Description of Illustration: black and white illustration of two gentleman sneezing with a bouquet of silk flowers between them

Text Reads, Fun for the million ! A beautiful bouquet made of the finest imported French flowers, so natural In appearance that they will be taken for the real hot house product. Ask your friend to smell their fragrance. In about one minute after he has sniffed them he will begin to sneeze violently. and keep it up for some time. You can pass it around to a company of one half dozen or more, and by the time the bouquet reaches the last person the first victim will begin to sneeze, followed immediately by the others.You can Incidentally remark that there must be a draft of air through the room as they all appear to be catching cold. At parties and all social gatherings you can have any amount of fun with It. It Is perfectly harmless, and always ready for use.

Price. 15 cents : 2 for 25 cents ; one dozen, $1.20, sent by mall, postpaid.

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