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Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Embroidery Designs for Infant Shoes

Designs for infant shoes and bib.
      The scalloped edge is to be padded and button-holed. The leaves, flowers and dots can be worked solidly or as eyelets. The stems are to be outlined. To pad the scallops work chain stitch between the lines, heaver at the centers, lighter at the points of the scallops, or apply one or more threads between the lines, tacking here and there in couching style and drawing closely together at the points. Button-hole over the foundation.
      In the design given for the infant shoes, the scalloped edges are designed to be buttonholed, the flowers and leaves are to be worked in solid embroidery with the stems outlined and the dots either solid or as eyelets, or the flowers, leaves and dots may all be don in eyelet work.
      The window pane method is perhaps the simplest and is particularly successful when the material is thin such as batiste, lawn, or handkerchief linen, the best plan is to pin the sheet of paper and the material together an hold them up against the window pane and with a sharp pencil trace the design on the fabric, or else lay the material on the pattern on top of a table or other hard surface, and carefully trace the design with a well pointed pencil. The design may also be transferred to heavy material by using a piece of transfer or carbon paper, to be placed between the pattern and cloth, using a sharp pointed pencil to secure a clean line.

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