Tiny Persian vase with striped blooms.
Persian embroidery is one of the many forms of the multi-faceted
Persian arts. The motifs used in the Persian embroidery are mostly
floral, especial Persian figures, animals, and patterns related to
We know that the Persian embroidery existed from the ancient times
and at least from the time of the Sassanids. Numerous designs are
visible on the dresses of the personages on the rock-sculptures and
silverware of that period, and have been classified by Professor Ernst
Herzfeld. Also the patterns on the coat of Chosroes II at Taq-e Bostan
are in such high relief that they may represent embroidery. Roundels,
confronted animals and other familiar motives of Sassanid art were
doubtless employed. It is probable that the famous Garden Carpet of
Chosroes II was a piece of embroidery.
The Persian embroideries we possess of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries are almost exclusively divan-coverings
or ceremonial cloth for present-trays, while in the eighteenth century
and later we have the addition of rugs for the bathing-rooms, prayer-mats, and women's embroidered trousers, known as 'naghshe'.
The earlier embroideries of Iran are almost all of a type in which the
entire ground is covered by the design, while the reverse is true, in
the main, of the later pieces, in which the background of one plain
color is made to play its part equally with the varied silks of the
needlework illustrated below. The earlier pieces are almost all closely allied in design
to one or other of the many types of carpets. They are worked chiefly in
darning-stitch on cotton or loosely woven linen, while occasionally examples in cross- or tent-stitch
are met with. It is perhaps reasonable to assume that the more
important class of work, that of carpet-weaving, supplied the original
design and that the embroiderer adopted it from a type familiar to her.
Also it must be remembered that the carpet-weaving was mainly done by
men, embroidery by women, so that members of the same family worked at
both trades.
The Samples Posted Here are Over 1000 Years Old
Persian sample include motifs like: flowers, plant-life, fruits, and tea pots. |
Very fine linens, wools and silks are embroidered into the fabrics and sometimes precious gold and silver thread is used. |
Very detailed, select samples from the Maison Sedille collections. |
A close-up view of tiny perfect stitches. Trees in a garden, Left. Top Right, clover leaf. Next Below,
pink tulips. Center, yellow tulips. Bottom Right, singular flower in a vase. |
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