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Saturday, September 3, 2022

Old-Fashioned Embroidery Designs for Plate Doilies

Satin, outline, eylet and button-hole stitches.
      These designs may be worked in either solid or eyelet. Detail drawings, show method of working.
      There are two ways to apply the designs to the material upon which you wish to work them.
      If your material is sheer--such as handkerchief linen, lawn, batiste, and the like--the simplest method is to lay the material over the design and with a well pointed pencil draw over each line.
      If your material is heavy secure a piece of transfer or impression paper. Lay it face down upon this, then draw over each line of the paper design with a hard pencil or the point of a steel knitting needle. Upon lifting the pattern and transfer paper you will find neat and accurate impression of the design upon your material. 
      There are two points to observe in this simple process if you would execute it satisfactorily. One is to see that your material is level--cut and folded by a thread--and that your design is placed upon it evenly at every point. 
      The second is, when placed accurately secure the design to the material with thumb tacks or pins, so it cannot slip during the operation.
      Do not rest your hand or fingers upon any part of the design while you are transferring.
Historic embroidery pattern depicting daisies.

Historic embroidery pattern depicting wheat stalks.


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