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Thursday, March 19, 2015

"The Little Favorites." Ayer's Pills Trade Card

Description of Illustration: fully restored Victorian Trade Card, Ayer's Pills, female children
Text reads:
The Little Favorites.
Charming group of smiling girls,
Bright and happy as the day,
With your winsome eyes and curls,
Always frolicksome and gay,-
Surely, surely, never ache
Did those lovely forms distress-
Never physic do you take?
But the maidens answered "Yes!"
"Just like other people, we
Have our troubles and our ills;
But we cure them - don't you see? -
With those sugar-coated pills.
That's the reason, everywhere
Through the country, they are famed, -
That the Pills of Doctor Ayer
"Little Favorites' are named."
* * * 
      The popularity of Ayer's Pills has steadily increased until now the demand for them exceeds that of all others. The skill with which their purely vegetable components are united, their mildness and efficacy, their delicate sugarcoating, and adaptability to family use have made these Pills, par excellence, the People's medicine.

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