About This Ephemera Collection

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

"Our Joy" Trade Card

Description of Illustration: full color illustration of a trade card by Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, boy in blue sailor suit, brown curly locks, blue eyes

Text reads, "Whose picture appears on the other side of this card, is a perfect type of health and beauty. It sis a delight to look upon such a beautiful picture; but how sad to behold the suffering of the mother when her darling is smitten with disease, and his rounded dimpled cheeks become pale and wan, and the bright eyes lustreless, and she sees day by day her little one wasting away. Unfortunately in every household some of the little ones are the victims of a wasting disorder. For some reason their food fails to nourish them, and they finally fade and die. We are glad that we have a food and remedy of unequaled potency in all conditions of wasting, of whatever character, in children as well as in adults. Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil With the Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda is really a marvelous remedy etc. . . "

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